Conserving water on a global scale starts with what we do in our homes on a daily basis. Fortunately, turning the conservation train around is easier than most might think; taking decisive action to conserve water in your home can not only have a positive environmental impact, but it can lead to significant savings for you over time. As you take tips to become more conscious of your water use, you’ll find that your efforts will also yield a monthly reduction in your water bills. You can take these simple steps to improve your conservation efforts and lower your monthly utility costs all at the same time.
Don’t Use Your Toilet as a Trash Receptacle
Every time you flush a random cigarette butt, facial tissue, or other small bits of trash down your toilet, you’re wasting gallons of water. The average toilet uses between 2 and 7 gallons each time you flush it, which can really add up over time if you have more than one bathroom in your house.
Wash Only Full Loads of Laundry
Clothes washers use quite a bit of water per cycle, particularly if you employ settings that have multiple rinses. Permanent press cycles use an added 5 gallons of water with every rinse. Make the most of your laundry load by loading the washer drum completely before starting it, and consider the installation of a high-efficiency washing machine to cut down on wasted water. High-efficiency models use almost 50 percent less water per load than standard machines.
Change Your Showering Habits
There are several techniques available that you can employ to lessen the amount of water you use. Installing low-flow showerheads and aerators significantly reduces the amount of water used during showers and other household activities. Low-flow showerheads typically use less than 2.5 gallons of water per minute, compared to older models that can use up to 5 gallons per minute or more. Aerators can be installed on faucets to reduce the flow of water while maintaining adequate pressure, which can save up to 1 gallon of water per minute. Shutting off the shower while soaping up and turning it back on to rinse can also help conserve water. It is estimated that a typical four-minute shower uses up to 40 gallons of water, so any measures that can reduce this usage can help conserve this precious resource. Simple shower timers can also be used to keep track of time and prevent the overuse of water.
Choose the Dishwasher Over Handwashing
Using a dishwasher is generally a better way to conserve water than washing dishes in a sink for several reasons. Dishwashers are designed to use water efficiently. They use only the amount of water needed to wash a full load of dishes, whereas washing dishes in a sink may require more water if you need to continuously run the faucet to rinse dishes or refill the sink with fresh water. They also maintain a consistent water pressure, which is important for effective cleaning.
Consider Insulating Your Pipes
Insulating pipes helps to reduce heat loss from hot water pipes, which means that hot water arrives at the tap faster and stays hot longer. This reduces the need to run the tap for long periods of time while you are waiting for hot water, which can waste a significant amount of water. This simple action can also help prevent pipes from freezing during cold weather, which can cause burst pipes and significant water loss.
Check for Leaks in the Plumbing
A worn faucet washer that drips constantly can lead to the wastage of up to 20 gallons of water each day. In contrast, larger leaks can result in hundreds of gallons of water going to waste. Although some leaks are noticeable, others may be more difficult to find. One effective method of leak detection is to thoroughly dry sinks and tubs and wait for an hour to check for any wetness that could indicate a leak. If there are any leaks, water will collect around the handles and in the basins. By identifying and repairing leaks promptly, we can significantly reduce water waste in our households.
Reuse Wastewater if Possible
Greywater refers to the wastewater from sinks, bathtubs, and laundry machines, which can be reused for watering plants. It is different from black water, which comes from toilets and requires treatment. You can easily collect greywater using a bucket in the kitchen or shower or through a greywater system that diverts water from household drains to the landscape. Many codes are changing to allow more households to benefit from this alternative source of water. The most straightforward systems harvest water from washing machines, which can save thousands of gallons of water each year. When using greywater in the landscape, it is crucial to ensure that only eco-friendly and plant-based soaps and cleaners are used in the home to avoid exposing plants to harmful chemicals. By taking advantage of greywater, we can conserve water and reduce our reliance on freshwater sources.
Turn off the Water When Not in Use
One simple and effective way to conserve water and lower your water bills is to turn off the tap when not in use. This can apply to activities such as brushing your teeth, washing your hands, or shaving where a lot of water can be wasted if left running unnecessarily. When doing household chores such as washing dishes or cleaning, it is also important to turn off the tap when not actively using water. Conserving water not only helps lower bills but also helps to ensure that we use our water resources more sustainably, especially in regions with limited freshwater supply. By making small adjustments to our daily routines, we can make a significant impact on our water usage and contribute to a more environmentally responsible future.
Get Plumbing Inspected Regularly
Regular plumbing inspections help conserve water and lower water bills. Over time, pipes can become clogged and damaged, leading to leaks that cause significant water wastage if left unaddressed. By having your plumbing inspected regularly, you can identify and repair leaks and clogs before they become more severe and lead to higher water bills. During your inspection, a professional plumber can assess the efficiency of your plumbing fixtures and recommend upgrades or replacements that can help conserve water and reduce your water bills.
Partnering With You in Conservation and Efficiency
Do you have hidden plumbing issues that are affecting your conservation and money-saving efforts? The experts at Baker & Sons Plumbing have been proudly serving valued clients in Marion and the surrounding areas, helping customers with issues related to water conditioning, filtration, commercial plumbing services, and residential plumbing and repair. Let us help you optimize your system and lower your monthly utility bills at the same time. Contact Baker & Sons Plumbing today for an inspection of your home plumbing system.